The Message. 

Gimme shelter, water, food, air, love, and music.

These are life’s essentials.

 We need music to help us deal, help us feel, help us move, help us remember, and sometimes just help us get through. Whether it’s the tedious wait, the long drive, the big moment, or the awkward social moment, music will always set the score. It doesn’t always have to be great, it just needs to be the right sound at the right moment. 

For music, we need musicians. Obviously. . .

But don’t believe the hype. The music life is hard.  

Support Life And Music draws from music industry veterans and experts – – from the spotlights to the offices to the pits – – to provide information, education, services, mentorship, resources, networking, and community to aid working musicians in the pursuits of financial independence, stability, and happiness for themselves and their loved ones through music. 

As we grow, we will expand our programs and influence, but we’re launching with the following initiatives:

Backstage Pass. Educating the general population about the musical life, changing cultural perceptions about  musicians’ daily lives. People often associate music stardom with glamour and riches, but this isn’t reality for 99% of 21st-Century musicians. 

Musician’s Survival Guide. Helping musicians of all levels to navigate the endless perils, pitfalls, challenges, obstacles, and dangers inherent in the music industry and culture. 

Both of the above services will initially be provided online via:

  • Videos (Prerecorded, livestream)
  • Articles (blogposts, news, interviews)
  • Podcast episodes

Who will be dispensing this stuff?
That’s the best part. S.L.A.M. output will feature the wisdom, expertise, and stories of the best music minds of yesterday and today, from household names to underground heroes. 

Who can benefit from S.L.A.M.? 

The music world has hundreds of different vital roles, but in the beginning, S.L.A.M. will focus on the ones who are making and performing the music. That includes all genres, even the terrible ones (kidding!). We’ll discuss eligibility requirements in a future post, but let’s just state that the personal preferences and tastes of the S.L.A.M. board will not be a factor. The only automatic disqualifications will be:

  • people associated with known hate groups
  • creators who rely primarily on AI-type technologies for their output. (We realize there’s a gray area on the latter.)

What S.L.A.M. is *not* about:

  • Enabling/empowering music industry predators. 
  • Enabling/empowering/excusing toxic or self-destructive behaviors.
  • Money for nothing. 

The plan will get more ambitious as we grow. So stay tuned. We’re going to accomplish great things and change the world.


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